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Product 6/20
Excellent service from Saving Light Bulbs, good to have advice on hand
Being not familiar with 2D LED 5W 4 pin bulbs, I was a little hesitant with the LED style bulbs. I had no trouble at all following the instructions to install this and replace my compact-florescent. The fittings were easy to use and the smaller size bulb fit very nicely into my light fixture on the front entry to the house. Would buy again if I had another style bulb such as this.
Very Good, energy efficient panels - much better than the florescent tubes - so long as they last well. The 5w ones are not as bright as flourescents, so if you need higher light levels get the bigger, 12w version. For fittings that don't include emergency batteries, it is no harder to exclude the starter gear than it is to re-wire a plug (provided you are competent at isolating the supply, and ensuring all wires are safe.) This gives maximum energy efficiency. (Alternatively, I gather that it still works with just removing the starter choke, but the gear will still be warming up, which is a bit of a waste of energy).